What Type of Worms to Feed Fire Eel



Feeder Fish

MFK Member

  • #1

I got a new fire eel about a week ago and I haven't seen him eat anything yet! He's about 10 inches long, I've tried massivore pellets, the small sized hikari cichlid gold pellets, FD Krill, small feeders and even pleco discs!

I've never owned this species of fish before, or any of the similar species like tire track, so I'm not really sure what to do here.

So what do you all feed your fire or tire track eels? Don't wanna see this poor bastard starve himself to death.

Here he is:

  • #2

proubly not going to eat pellets try krill later they like that some times but it won't eat pleco discs for sure

BLOODWORMS for sure i got mine to eat them out of my hand
red worms or red wigglers
night crawlers when its older
BLACKWORMS if you can find them thats what they eat in the wild alot
small fish try not to feed live fish try fish fillets or chunks of fish NOTE: there mouths aren't to big so make sure there small
shrimp they like ghost shrimp as a treat but cut shrimp from the store works sometimes
and crustations when there older try crayfish or little shrimps don't give them big crayfish or ones with hard shells unless small they can hurt you eel but when crayfish molt and become soft there eazy and tastey targets



Feeder Fish

MFK Member

Jan 27, 2006
  • #3

Mine eats krill and bloodworms, and neighbor kids


  • #4

at that size should be able to eat pieces of nightcrawlers, my tire track does wish i could find smaller but all thats available in my area


Feeder Fish

MFK Member

  • #5

At that size I fed mine ghost shrimp - but try and avoid aquatic live feeders because like mine, they can make your eel really sick. Once your eel gets sick on a type of food it will usually stop eating that food item. If I were you I'd go to Walmart and buy red wigglers and cut them into bite-sized pieces. I've fed my eel worms for years and they're great feeders.

Good luck getting it to eat. Nice choice in fish!


Feeder Fish

MFK Member

  • #6

feed it frozen bloodworms.. mine didnt appear to eat for the first month i had him.. but i would just put a cube of blood worms in front of him or in his cave every night and just leave it there for him, even if he didnt appear to eat it... what i have noticed with this species is that there very shy when stressed.. since you just added him to the tank he is probably still adjusting.. so just make sure there is food in the take for him each night in case he does decide to eat.. which most likely he is.. the first time i actually saw my fire eel active and eating, was about at 4am in complete darkness.. and he was swimming all over the tank, coming all the way up to the surface and everything.. now my fire eel is well adjusted, and is not shy at all durring feeding time..

  • #7

Mine only eats bloodworms. I've tried krill, brine shrimp cubes, and other frozen cubes, and he just ignores them. Mine's about 20".

  • #8

Bloodworms, live blackworms, chopped up nightcrawlers.
At night only.

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Sep 19, 2012
  • #9

Tilapia and raw shrimp

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Aug 25, 2010
  • #10

Mine has eaten krill feeders mainly on krill bloodworms n brine shrimp same sz as yours won't go for the pellets but I haven't really tried to get him on or mealworms

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app


Source: https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/what-do-you-feed-your-fire-eel.111963/

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